
06 Oct 2013
کد خبر : 6405481
تعداد بازدید : 102

  One of the important aim of faculty is research. Since 1995 more than 40 research project by faculty members of Agriculture Faculty is achieved and 7 research project currently are achieving. Publication is other research activity and 7 volum of books by faculty members are published since 1995.

Research Projects
Project Title Researcher Department
Alfalfa Insect Pest Management in Hamadan. Dr. Mohammad Khanjani Plant Protection
Evaluation of Several Extractant for Determination of Available Potassium in some Soils of Hamadan Province. Dr. Ali Reza , Hossein Pour Soil Science
Evaluation of Using Soil Solarization for Control of Major Soil Borne Pathogenic and Nematode of Potato Crop in Hamadan Dr. Mohammad Javad ,Soleimani Plant Protection
Identification of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Associated with Sugrabeet and Their Distribution in Hamadan Province, Iran  Dr. Akbar , Kargar Bideh Plant Protection
Study of Sapnins from Roots and Shoots of Six Alfalfa Cultivars. Dr. Hojjatollah  ,Mazahery Laghab Crop Production and  Plant Breeding
The Effects of Sewage Slugs on Physical and Chemical Properties.  Mr. Qasem Rahimi Soil Science
The Study of Phosphorus Adsorption Isotherm in Hamadan Soils Dr. Mohsen Jalali Soil Science




Author or Translator

Year of Publish

Farm Machinery and Tractors Volum(1) D.Mansouri Rad 1996
Farm Machinery and Tractors Volum(1) D.Mansouri Rad 1996
Applied Soil Physics M. Mahbobi and A.Naderi 1993
Applied Feeding of Cows M.M.Tabatabaei 1993
Plant Echology S.J.Eslami 2001
Main Pests of  Plant in Iran M.Khanjani 2001
Physiology of Fruit Trees M.Gholami and M.Kimia Talab 2001